Hello world! Again and again and again and again…

Hello again, Internet. Did you miss me? 

Of course you didn’t, but as The Cure tells us “if you pick up on it quick, you can say you were there . . . ‘cause everyone jumping everybody else’s train….”  The Cure is always cor


The thing about having your own little space on the Internet, your own tiny soapbox, your own microscopic megaphone, is that it doesn’t have to make a lot of sense. I just wa



tched the 2009 Star Trek movie with my kids and one of the little themes is that Spock learns that he


doesn’t always act logically or agree with “the logical” choice or action, and that’s ok. He’s part human, and sometimes we humans make things that really make no sense, but they often turn out ok, re



There’s lots of reasons to do this and I’ll probably talk about some of them more than I should in the future because one of the topics I’ve been interested in since I started blogging over 20 years ago is blogging itself. But those thoughts are for another day. Today I will say that recently learned about Simon Willison’s Weblog from John Gruber at Daring Fireball and Willison says simply: 

You should start a blog. Having your own little corner of 

the internet is good for the soul!

My soul feels better already. 


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